How to rewind Three-Phase induction stator. Introduction: Three-Phase induction motor or asynchronous motor is a 3 phase AC electric motor in which the electric current in the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained by electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding. The course consists of the following lessons: Taking Data, Core Testing, Coil Cutoff, Burnout Procedures, Winding Stripping Procedures, Core Preparation, Coil Making, Winding Insulation and Coil Insertion, Internal Connections, Lacing and Bracing of Windings, Inspection of Untreated Windings, Testing Untreated and Treated Windings, Winding Treatment. Tools and equipments; Megger tester, cutter plier, a note book, oven, combination plier, insulators papers. Lesson 1: Taking Data, the key objective is to accurately determine winding data for a three phase stator, including connection, turns, span(s), wire sizes, poles, and grouping; and core and coil dimensions....